Puthisen and Lady Kong Rey
Twelve sisters who escaped at the start of their human-eating mother, are marry at the same time the king. But the ogress craves revenge and deceives the king as an attractive woman. The ogress ensures that the twelve sisters lose their eyesight and are imprisoned in a cave. Where they eat their own children to survive. Only the little Puthisen, the son of the youngest sister, is spared. Puthisen grows then into the cave from child to young man. As a young adult he decides to liberate his mother and the eleven aunts.
Release Date : 1968-01-01
Language :Khmer
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Runteas Pich
Production Country : Cambodia
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Puthisen
Original Name : Kong Som Eun
Gender : Male
Character Name : Lady Kong Rey
Original Name : Virak Dara
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : Nop Nem
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Saksi Sbong
Gender : Male
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