Science FictionThriller


- Deception by design

For ten years, inventor David Kressen has lived in seclusion with his inventions, including Adam, a robot with incredible lifelike human qualities. When reporter Joy Andrews is given access to their unconventional facility, she is alternately repelled and attracted to the scientist and his creation. But as Adam exhibits emergent behavior of anger and jealousy towards her, she finds herself increasingly entangled in a web of deception where no one’s motives are easily decipherable.

Release Date : 2015-01-31

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Emergent BehaviorShoreline EntertainmentAccelerated Matter

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Mark Webber

Character Name : David Kressen

Original Name : Mark Webber

Gender : Male

Lucy Griffiths

Character Name : Joy Andrews

Original Name : Lucy Griffiths

Gender : Female

David Clayton Rogers

Character Name : Adam Kressen

Original Name : David Clayton Rogers

Gender : Male

Rainn Wilson

Character Name : Castle

Original Name : Rainn Wilson

Gender : Male






> One more the man versus the robot film, but not bad. Probably this is the breakthrough the director was looking for. A limited cast low budget science fiction drama. All the faces were fresh, I liked them, but should have been a little better. I won't deny that I enjoyed watching it, but I can't say it is a very clever screenplay. Because it was slightly comparable to 'Ex Machina', though the story derives when we had a conception like 'what if'. Just like 'Big Stan' and 'Get Hard', though this film was planned before 'Ex Machina' and sadly released after it. The story of a journalist who interviews a scientist who developed an advanced AI. A week long interaction and when the final day arrives something terrible happens, that's going to flip the story you had seen so far. The whole film was shot inside a large house, there is no outside world, except in one scene which takes us to the terrace. I did not figure it out the secret, but I kind thought of it, so when it happened at the end I was not surprised. For a B movie, it is a great quality. If you want to check it out a second string films, this is not a bad one to consider. There is no major, any impactable graphics to the narration, but in most of the crucial section was managed well. So the production quality is much better than I expected and so the overall film. Nowadays it is a very common for filmmakers to choose the robot theme in drama, but how good their film would be is our question and this one passed the test. 6/10