
Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy


This subversive documentary unpacks the tricks brands use to keep their customers consuming — and the real impact they have on our lives and the world.

Release Date : 2024-11-19

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Grain Media

Production Country : United Kingdom

Alternative Titles :


Alison Quin

Character Name :

Original Name : Alison Quin

Gender : Male

David Broughton

Character Name :

Original Name : David Broughton

Gender : Male

Gary Comerford

Character Name :

Original Name : Gary Comerford

Gender : Male

Steve Thompson

Character Name :

Original Name : Steve Thompson

Gender : Male

Peter Marchant

Character Name :

Original Name : Peter Marchant

Gender : Male

Tonya Cornelisse

Character Name : (voice)

Original Name : Tonya Cornelisse

Gender : Female

Harry Ditson

Character Name : (voice)

Original Name : Harry Ditson

Gender : Male

Dan Russell

Character Name : (voice)

Original Name : Dan Russell

Gender : Male






Dumb documentary. Basically what they're saying that corporations want us to keep buying more things and they use marketing tricks. Of course they do. What kind of salesman wouldn't do it? Nothing new. It always been like this. They also say that we produce so much that we're destroying our planet and contribute to global warming. Of course humankind produces lots of stuff, because humans are a lot on our planet and again it's always been like this. There will be people who will buy how much they want and whenever they want, because people are free. So what's their solution? To dictate people how many things they can buy? Or stop producing and selling stuff? Or eliminate half of planet? Or what their solution?! And when they mentioned global warming, then it became very clear that this documentary was made by marxist leftists. **Bottom Line:** There always will be garbage on our planet as long as we humans exist and there always will be products to sell as long as humans exist and of course seller companies and salesmen will do their best to sell as much as possible, because it's what they do. Get used to those facts, dear marxists and move on.