12 + 1, una comedia metafísica
A group of men are searching for something in the desert. Only one of them knows what they seek. The one they call the Master. Searching in the desert is a dangerous activity. In addition to the dry, bleak landscape and the unrelenting heat of the sun, the one they call the Baptist haunts the dunes. A fool who fell from believer to murderer, the Baptist is enlightened in the ways of both. The men are unsure if they are searching for god or for death.. or if both of these things are the same.
Release Date : 2012-10-19
Language :Spanish
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : Spain
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Felipe
Original Name : Enrique Asenjo
Gender : Male
Character Name : Jaime
Original Name : Javier Castro
Gender : Male
Character Name : Juan
Original Name : Aránzazu Garrastázul
Gender : Male
Character Name : Sediento
Original Name : Paco Gil
Gender : Male
Character Name : Santiago
Original Name : Juanfra Juárez
Gender : Male
Character Name : Zelote
Original Name : Fran Machado
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mateo
Original Name : Julián Manzano
Gender : Male
Character Name : Tomás
Original Name : Jordi Minguella
Gender : Male
Character Name : Bartolomé
Original Name : Manuel Monteagudo
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Cris Nollet
Gender : Female
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