
Gunfight at Black Horses Canyon


Feature-length Western based on the hit TV show 'Tales of Wells Fargo,' about a Wells Fargo Company troubleshooter who becomes the target of an outlaw he helped send to prison.

Release Date : 1961-10-17

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Universal PicturesRevue Studios

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Dale Robertson

Character Name : Jim Hardie

Original Name : Dale Robertson

Gender : Male

Jack Ging

Character Name : Beau

Original Name : Jack Ging

Gender : Male

William Demarest

Character Name : Jeb

Original Name : William Demarest

Gender : Male

George Kennedy

Character Name : Hawk

Original Name : George Kennedy

Gender : Male

Rod Cameron

Character Name : Nathan Chance

Original Name : Rod Cameron

Gender : Male

Patricia Owens

Character Name : Katherine

Original Name : Patricia Owens

Gender : Female

Philip Carey

Character Name : Squire

Original Name : Philip Carey

Gender : Male

Claude Akins

Character Name : Rake

Original Name : Claude Akins

Gender : Male

Mary Jane Saunders

Character Name : Mary Gee

Original Name : Mary Jane Saunders

Gender : Female

Lory Patrick

Character Name : Tina

Original Name : Lory Patrick

Gender : Male

Steve Darrell

Character Name : The Sheriff

Original Name : Steve Darrell

Gender : Male

Jon Lormer

Character Name : The Clerk

Original Name : Jon Lormer

Gender : Male

Stafford Repp

Character Name : Major Shankford

Original Name : Stafford Repp

Gender : Male

Phil Barselow

Character Name : Happy

Original Name : Phil Barselow

Gender : Male

William Hunter

Character Name : Red Martin

Original Name : William Hunter

Gender : Male



John Chard

@John Chard


There must be an easier way to get Hardy? Gunfight at Black Horse Canyon is directed by R. G. Springsteen and written by Frank Gruber and Anthony Lawrence. It stars Dale Robertson, Jack Ging, William Demarest, George Kennedy, Rod Cameron, Patricia Owens, Phillip Carey, Claude Akins and Mary Jane Saunders. Music is by Richard Shores and cinematography by Bud Thackery. I didn't know it prior to viewing this, but it's derived from the TV series "Tales of Wells Fargo" and is in fact two episodes – "The Dodger" and "Assignment in Gloribee" - stitched together to make a feature film. Upon finding out this fact it explains just why Gunfight at Black Horse Canyon is so uneven and bad. Everything about it screams out as being low budget fodder, the story line is weak, back screen projection is cheap and nasty and some usually reliable actors are reduced to auto-cue type acting. While characterisation is sparse, with some characters flitting in and out without rhyme or reason to anyone who didn't watch the show. Of course it may well be that fans of the show could find good value in this elongated venture? But for anyone else, as an advertisement appetiser? It hardly makes one yearn to seek out more of the show! For Kennedy's brief villainy and Akins reliability remaining intact, it just about escapes being bottom of the barrel, but it's mightily close to being just that. 3/10