Raindrops Fall on Roses / Amour, It's Something Like...
A former officer. A belle of high society. In the past they shared a love that could not be fulfilled; now the two of them are reunited. The man went into reserve and visited his hometown in southern Europe. There he unexpectedly met a girl. Upon meeting the two were strongly drawn to each other. However, the girl has noble blood in her veins and had no reason to even acknowledge his existence. They had no choice but to part ways, without either of them expressing their feelings... (Takawiki)
Release Date : 2007-07-05
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country :
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Justin Balzac
Original Name : 大和悠河
Gender : Female
Character Name : Yvette
Original Name : 陽月華
Gender : Female
Character Name : Baron Victor Orange
Original Name : 蘭寿とむ
Gender : Female
Character Name : Francis
Original Name : 北翔海莉
Gender : Female
Character Name : Hector Bonoult
Original Name : 十輝いりす
Gender : Female
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