
Fuller Report, Base Stockholm


Dick Worth (Ken Clark) is an American racing driver in Stockholm to put on an exhibition that his boss Bennet (Jess Hahn) hopes will result in orders for cars, and instead gets drawn into CIA business when he is mistaken for a spy and takes on the job of recovering the Fuller Report, CIA information about an assassination plot.

Release Date : 1968-02-24

Language :Italian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Les Productions Jacques RoitfeldFida Cinematografica

Production Country : FranceItaly

Alternative Titles :


Ken Clark

Character Name : Dick Worth

Original Name : Ken Clark

Gender : Male

Beba Lončar

Character Name : Svetlana Golyadkin

Original Name : Beba Lončar

Gender : Female

Lincoln Tate

Character Name : Pearson

Original Name : Lincoln Tate

Gender : Male

Jess Hahn

Character Name : Eddy Bennet

Original Name : Jess Hahn

Gender : Male


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