
New Boy


A young African boy with a haunting back story starts school in Ireland, and finds out quickly exactly what it means to be the new kid. Winner of Best Narrative Short at the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival and nominated for an Oscar.

Release Date : 2007-07-14

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Zanzibar FilmsFís Éireann/Screen Ireland

Production Country : Ireland

Alternative Titles :


Olutunji Ebun-Cole

Character Name : Joseph

Original Name : Olutunji Ebun-Cole

Gender : Male

Simon O'Driscoll

Character Name : Christian Kelly

Original Name : Simon O'Driscoll

Gender : Male

Fionn O'Shea

Character Name : Seth Quinn

Original Name : Fionn O'Shea

Gender : Male

Sinead Maguire

Character Name : Hazel O'Hara

Original Name : Sinead Maguire

Gender : Female

Norma Sheahan

Character Name : Teacher Lady

Original Name : Norma Sheahan

Gender : Female

Byron Kumbala

Character Name : Joseph's Father

Original Name : Byron Kumbala

Gender : Male

Sade Oyewole

Character Name : Pamela

Original Name : Sade Oyewole

Gender : Male

Daniel Culleton

Character Name : Student 1

Original Name : Daniel Culleton

Gender : Male

Karl Donovan

Character Name : Student 2

Original Name : Karl Donovan

Gender : Male

Oisin Pollock

Character Name : Student 3

Original Name : Oisin Pollock

Gender : Male

Conor Kennedy

Character Name : Student 4

Original Name : Conor Kennedy

Gender : Male

Chukwudi Ugwu

Character Name : Lead Soldier

Original Name : Chukwudi Ugwu

Gender : Male

Boye Karumwi

Character Name : Armed Soldier 1

Original Name : Boye Karumwi

Gender : Male

Kayode Ayinde

Character Name : Armed Soldier 2

Original Name : Kayode Ayinde

Gender : Male

Keith Buggy

Character Name : Boy in Class

Original Name : Keith Buggy

Gender : Male






When "Joseph" (Ulutunji Ebun-Cole) arrives at his new Irish junior school, he is immediately reminded of his school at home (somewhere in Africa) and of the trauma that he experienced there that rather dwarves the petty bullying that he is soon experiencing from two of his classmates. Luckily, the young "Hazel" (Sinead Maguire) takes a bit of a shine to their new boy and her behaviour might just offer a conduit for all to move past their initial hostilities and share a laugh. Aside from anything else, it makes you remember that being a primary school teacher is no walk in the park, but mostly it's a reminder that it's not always the easiest path to make friends - picking fights is often simpler. The kids do quite well here, with a minimum of dialogue, and I did quite enjoy the simplicity of the story.