Bari Lai Lai Lai


The story of Bari Lai Lai Lai follows Sita, a passionate writer who plans to create a vibrant music video. She enlists two models, Nikhil and Sanchita, to bring her vision to life. Nikhil, a strong and confident man, meets Sanchita, a beautiful and charming young woman, for the first time at Tower Bridge in London. From the very first moment, Nikhil is captivated by Sanchita's elegance, proving that first impressions truly last forever. As the music video unfolds, their chemistry grows naturally, and what begins as a professional collaboration blossoms into genuine love. The two fall for each other during the shoot and eventually start living together, their romance becoming a heartfelt part of the story behind the song. This music video combines the themes of love, destiny, and the magic of a first encounter against the iconic backdrop of London.

Release Date : 2019-06-24

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country :

Alternative Titles :


Kumud Pant

Character Name : Nikhil

Original Name : Kumud Pant

Gender : Male

Smriti Pokharel

Character Name : Sanchita

Original Name : Smriti Pokharel

Gender : Male

Janaki Pant

Character Name : Sita

Original Name : Janaki Pant

Gender : Female


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