
Dead Snow

- Eins, Zwei, Die!

Eight medical students on a ski trip to Norway discover that Hitler's horrors live on when they come face to face with a battalion of zombie Nazi soldiers intent on devouring anyone unfortunate enough to wander into the remote mountains where they were once sent to die.

Release Date : 2009-01-09

Language :Norwegian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Zwart ArbeidEuforia FilmFilmCampMiho FilmBarentsfilmYellow Bastard ProductionNews On Request

Production Country : Norway

Alternative Titles :


Vegar Hoel

Character Name : Martin

Original Name : Vegar Hoel

Gender : Male

Charlotte Frogner

Character Name : Hanna

Original Name : Charlotte Frogner

Gender : Female

Stig Frode Henriksen

Character Name : Roy

Original Name : Stig Frode Henriksen

Gender : Male

Lasse Valdal

Character Name : Vegard

Original Name : Lasse Valdal

Gender : Male

Evy Kasseth Røsten

Character Name : Liv

Original Name : Evy Kasseth Røsten

Gender : Female

Jeppe Beck Laursen

Character Name : Erlend

Original Name : Jeppe Beck Laursen

Gender : Male

Jenny Skavlan

Character Name : Chris

Original Name : Jenny Skavlan

Gender : Female

Ane Dahl Torp

Character Name : Sara

Original Name : Ane Dahl Torp

Gender : Female

Bjørn Sundquist

Character Name : Turgåer

Original Name : Bjørn Sundquist

Gender : Male

Ørjan Gamst

Character Name : Herzog

Original Name : Ørjan Gamst

Gender : Male

Steinar Kaarstein

Character Name : Nazi Zombie (uncredited)

Original Name : Steinar Kaarstein

Gender : Male

Tommy Wirkola

Character Name : Dying Zombie (uncredited)

Original Name : Tommy Wirkola

Gender : Male



Andres Gomez



Just, a complete joke ... but not very funny.


Per Gunnar Jonsson

@Dark Jedi


Given my Scandinavian origin and being a bit of a fan of all kinds of science fiction, fantasy, action and horror movies I of course had to have Dead Snow in my collection. Last Saturday me and my son got around to watch it. Dead Snow is a pretty classical teenage-group-gets-into-big-mess-with-supernatural-beings kind of horror movie. In this particular case a group of teenagers goes for a hike in the Norwegian mountains where they camp in cabin. Not very original of course but what the heck, it is a zombie horror movie so… One thing that makes the movie a bit original is that it is not so totally over the top with foul language and insane consumption of all kinds of drugs as the standard Hollywood crap. These teenagers actually behave fairly normally drinking a few beers and having a good time. Well that is until the mysterious stranger, who is in the movie just to set up the mood, shows up and tells his story about a unusually cruel Nazi officer and his men. Of course we all know where things are going from there… Here the movie starts to follow the usual recipe for these kind of movies. Naturally one of the teenagers needs to take care of some natural needs and separates himself from the rest of the party. Then follows the obligatory boy and girl having sex scene. This time in a old-fashioned Scandinavian “skithus” separated from the actual cabin. Anyone who has ever used one of these (I have and they stink) would know that you have to be pretty horny, drunk or both to have sex in one of those. Anyway, that was one less teenager in the party. Slowly the zombies become more frequent and the dire situation the party is in becomes more and more evident. As the zombies become more frequent so does the gory sequences and eventually the movie turns more into a comedy than a horror movie. I have to say that the Tommy Wirkola have little to learn from his Hollywood counterparts when it comes to horror movie violence. Body parts, external as well as internal, flies around like there was no tomorrow. Which for most of the characters involved is exactly the way it is. On the whole this movie was one part classical horror movie and one part comedy and I found it quite entertaining but you have to be into these kinds of movies to feel that way of course.