


A man gets a phone call from an acquaintance, asking for help. They must retrieve something lost inside a train tunnel. They must do it in the middle of the night. "In" is an psychological thriller set in the quiet country of Sweden, where people are hiding behind drawn blinds even though the closest neighbor live miles away. A place where you do not know who live in your apartment building or not even the people you play hockey with every week. We follow the two men into the darkness as they are forced to come closer together. And in spite of all confinement, there is still something left open, an escape, or an abyss, deep down in the dark.

Release Date : 2011-01-28

Language :Swedish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : Sweden

Alternative Titles :


Joakim Nätterqvist

Character Name : Håkan

Original Name : Joakim Nätterqvist

Gender : Male

Vera Vitali

Character Name : Ann-Sofie

Original Name : Vera Vitali

Gender : Female

Johan Widerberg

Character Name : Magnus

Original Name : Johan Widerberg

Gender : Male

Freja Ahlberg

Character Name : Daughter

Original Name : Freja Ahlberg

Gender : Male


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