
Chuk and Gek


Followed by his two sons, Chuk and Gek, an engineer-explorer heads for a geologists'camp lost in the Ural white wilderness. He plans to spend New Year's Eve there with Chuk and Gek, among his fellow-colleagues. However an undetermined incident has caused the occupiers to leave the place. When, to their amazement, the three adventurers discover the empty camp, they realize that they don't have enough food to return immediately and that they will have to join forces to survive for a few days without any outside help...

Release Date : 1953-06-02

Language :Russian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Gorky Film Studios

Production Country : Soviet Union

Alternative Titles :


Vera Vasileva

Character Name : Mother

Original Name : Vera Vasileva

Gender : Female

Mikhail Troyanovsky

Character Name : Sleigh Driver

Original Name : Mikhail Troyanovsky

Gender : Male

Nikolai Komissarov

Character Name : Watchman

Original Name : Николай Комиссаров

Gender : Male

Ekaterina Savinova

Character Name :

Original Name : Екатерина Савинова

Gender : Female

Yura Chuchunov

Character Name : Chuk

Original Name : Yura Chuchunov

Gender : Male

Andrei Chilikin

Character Name : Gek

Original Name : Andrei Chilikin

Gender : Male

Ivan Ryzhov

Character Name : член геологоразведочной экспедиции (нет в титрах)

Original Name : Иван Рыжов

Gender : Male


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