
September Dawn

- The untold story of an American tragedy.

A story set against the Mountain Meadows Massacre, the film is based upon the tragedy which occurred in Utah in 1857. A group of settlers, traveling on wagons, was murdered by the Mormons. All together, about 140 souls of men, women and children, were taken.

Release Date : 2007-05-17

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Black Diamond PicturesSeptember DawnVoice Pictures

Production Country : Canada

Alternative Titles :


Jon Voight

Character Name : Jacob Samuelson

Original Name : Jon Voight

Gender : Male

Tamara Hope

Character Name : Emily Hudson

Original Name : Tamara Hope

Gender : Female

Trent Ford

Character Name : Jonathan Samuelson

Original Name : Trent Ford

Gender : Male

Lolita Davidovich

Character Name : Nancy Dunlap

Original Name : Lolita Davidovich

Gender : Female

Dean Cain

Character Name : Joseph Smith

Original Name : Dean Cain

Gender : Male

Terence Stamp

Character Name : Brigham Young

Original Name : Terence Stamp

Gender : Male

Shaun Johnston

Character Name : Captain Fancher

Original Name : Shaun Johnston

Gender : Male

Franklin E. Levinson

Character Name : Captain Baker

Original Name : Franklin E. Levinson

Gender : Male

Daniel Libman

Character Name : Reverend Grant Hudson

Original Name : Daniel Libman

Gender : Male

Barbara Gates Wilson

Character Name : Martha Hudson

Original Name : Barbara Gates Wilson

Gender : Female

Huntley Ritter

Character Name : Robert Humphries

Original Name : Huntley Ritter

Gender : Male

Jon Gries

Character Name : John D. Lee

Original Name : Jon Gries

Gender : Male

Taylor Handley

Character Name : Micah Samuelson

Original Name : Taylor Handley

Gender : Male

Melissa Cambridge

Character Name : Morman wife

Original Name : Melissa Cambridge

Gender : Female

Krisinda Cain

Character Name : Young Woman

Original Name : Krisinda Cain

Gender : Female

Ron Webber

Character Name : Hyrum Smith

Original Name : Ron Webber

Gender : Male






_**A story that had to be told and needs to be known**_ "September Dawn" (2007) is a powerful and unforgettable film. It details the long covered-up massacre at Mountain Meadows, Utah, on September 7-11, 1857, where a group of Mormons murdered well over a hundred settlers traveling from Arkansas to California. The settlers stopped in southwest Utah to rest and resupply and the Mormons who lived there graciously allowed it. Unfortunately, in the ensuing days the decision was made to slaughter the settlers, likely due to paranoia over the brief "Utah War" that was going on at the time (between the Feds and the Mormon settlers in Utah) and also because of the Mormons' severe persecutions back East in the 1830s-40s, which provoked them to seek sanctuary in Utah in 1847. Brigham Young was the president of the LDS denomination at the time and the governor of Utah. Was he involved in the decision to slaughter the innocent settlers? Although Mormon leaders deny this to this day it's possible for two reasons: (1.) As the LDS president and Utah governor it's unlikely that something of this magnitude would have been carried out without Young's authorization; and (2.) the leader of the slaughter, John D. Lee – the only man convicted and shot for the massacre – was the adopted son of Brigham Young. The film theorizes that the murderers took an oath of silence and that's why the massacre has been covered-up by LDS officials to this day, although Lee admitted to being the scapegoat before his execution. Chew on that. The vibe of the film is very realistic, sort of like "Dances With Wolves," although not as compelling. For instance, the Paiute natives -- whom the Mormons hoodwinked into participating in the initial assault -- are very well done. The acting is convincing across the board with only one dubious part. In this regard "September Dawn" stands head & shoulders above roll-your-eyes Westerns of yesteryear. Perhaps the film has such an authentic vibe because it's based on the historical facts and is fair with them. For one, the film utilizes Juanita Brooks' book and others as sources, and they happen to be devout Mormons. Secondly, the film reveals the valid reasons for the Mormon's paranoia – due to the Feds' harassment presently and also previous persecutions back East, _severe_ persecutions. Thirdly, the film details a peculiar doctrine the Mormons adhered to – "blood atonement" – that gave them the mentality that they were doing the settlers a favor by killing them (that is, the settlers would die to this temporal world but they'd be eternally blessed, or something to this effect). Some have criticized the film for adding a romantic subplot concerning a Mormon youth and a settler girl, but this is a typical Hollywood technique, e.g. "Pearl Harbor," "Red Baron" and "Titanic." Others object to a Mormon youth cracking up after the massacre – another fictional addition – but it makes sense that an unhardened youth would lose his marbles, so to speak, after such a horrific undertaking and, again, it's portrayed in a convincing manner. Besides, who's to say something like these two subplots didn't happen? It's very possible something similar to them did. Although the story takes place in Southwest Utah they couldn't shoot there for obvious reasons. So they shot it in central Alberta, near Calgary. Although these locations are an acceptable substitute they lack the more arid look of SW Utah. Bottom Line: The harsh criticism that has been dished out on this film is ridiculous and not even remotely accurate. Although it's sometimes a hard film to watch for obvious reasons, "September Dawn" is a worthy modern Western that dares to sneer at political correctness and tell the truth, at least as far as can be done by the documented facts. Sure there's some speculation and fictionalization, but all movies based on historical events do this to some extent and, like I said above, these fictionalizations are based on likely possibilities. I guarantee you that "September Dawn" is far more historically accurate than heralded films like "Braveheart." Since the film is so well done I can only chalk up the ridiculous criticism to intolerant liberal ideology. After all, the film dares to show Christians in a positive light being led to the slaughter literally by wacko religious fanatics. Not that all Mormons back then or today are wacko religious fanatics, not at all, but that group that murdered the innocent settlers definitely were and, more specifically, those who authorized it and led the (otherwise good) men involved to carry it out. The film runs 1 hour, 51 minutes. GRADE: A-/B+