
Tarzan II

- The Legend Begins

When one of his missteps puts his family in jeopardy, Tarzan decides they would be better off without him.

Release Date : 2005-06-13

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : DisneyToon Studios

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Harrison Chad

Character Name : Tarzan (voice)

Original Name : Harrison Chad

Gender : Male

George Carlin

Character Name : Zugor (voice)

Original Name : George Carlin

Gender : Male

Brad Garrett

Character Name : Uto (voice)

Original Name : Brad Garrett

Gender : Male

Ron Perlman

Character Name : Kago (voice)

Original Name : Ron Perlman

Gender : Male

Estelle Harris

Character Name : Mama Gunda (voice)

Original Name : Estelle Harris

Gender : Female

Glenn Close

Character Name : Kala (voice)

Original Name : Glenn Close

Gender : Female

Lance Henriksen

Character Name : Kerchak (voice)

Original Name : Lance Henriksen

Gender : Male

Brenda Grate

Character Name : Terk (voice)

Original Name : Brenda Grate

Gender : Female

Connor Hutcherson

Character Name : Tonka (voice)

Original Name : Connor Hutcherson

Gender : Male

Hamilton Camp

Character Name : Additional Voices (voice)

Original Name : Hamilton Camp

Gender : Male

April Winchell

Character Name : Additional Voices (voice)

Original Name : April Winchell

Gender : Female

Baron Davis

Character Name : Additional Voices (voice)

Original Name : Baron Davis

Gender : Male

Connor Matheus

Character Name : Additional Voices

Original Name : Connor Matheus

Gender : Male

Harrison Fahn

Character Name : Tantor (voice)

Original Name : Harrison Fahn

Gender : Male

Iona Morris

Character Name : Additional Voices

Original Name : Iona Morris

Gender : Female






A massive improvement on 2002's 'Tarzan & Jane' - this is a proper follow-up. Amazing what can happen when you try, eh Disney? 'Tarzan II' still doesn't compare to the original film from 1999, but this third (not second, as the title would suggest) film from the series is actually good. There's thankfully one consistent story, albeit a prequel one, and there are even returns for Glenn Close (Kala) and Lance Henriksen (Kerchak) onscreen and Phil Collins behind it with the music. The premise is fairly simple, yet it still makes for enjoyable enough viewing. It has heart and meaning, as well as decent humour. It could be greater but I can still very much appreciate what it brings to the table. A fitting revisit to the world of Tarzan, unlike its predecessor.