
The Trip


When 19-year-old gay-rights activist Tommy and 24-year-old Alan first meet in 1973, they find themselves on the opposite sides of the political coin...

Release Date : 2002-11-01

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Larry Sullivan

Character Name : Alan Oakley

Original Name : Larry Sullivan

Gender : Male

Steve Braun

Character Name : Tommy Ballenger

Original Name : Steve Braun

Gender : Male

Jill St. John

Character Name : Mary Oakley

Original Name : Jill St. John

Gender : Female

Ray Baker

Character Name : Peter Baxter

Original Name : Ray Baker

Gender : Male

Sirena Irwin

Character Name : Beverly

Original Name : Sirena Irwin

Gender : Female

Alexis Arquette

Character Name : Michael

Original Name : Alexis Arquette

Gender : Female

Art Hindle

Character Name : Ted Oakley

Original Name : Art Hindle

Gender : Male

Julie Brown

Character Name : OutLoud Receptionist

Original Name : Julie Brown

Gender : Female






Saw this recently upon the recommendation of a friend - and it isn't a bad film. It tells the story of two men who meet (whilst one is ostensibly straight) get together, split up then reconnect again many years later for a sort of baby "Thelma & Louise" type Mexican road trip. It is not a great film, but has just about enough romance and daftness to work. Larry Sullivan and Steve Braun do just enough to keep you engaged with their the characters and it has quite a fun soundtrack too!