


On 2 January 1899, starting from the French Sudan, a French column under the command of the captains Voulet and Chanoine is sent against the black Sultan Rabah in what is now the Cameroon. Those captains and their African mercenary troops destroy and kill everything they find on their path. The French authorities try to stop them sending orders and a second troop but the captains kill the emissaries who reach them. Sarraounia, queen of the Aznas, have heard about the exactions. Clever in war tactics and in witchcraft, she decides to resist and stop those mad men.

Release Date : 1986-07-01

Language :French

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Direction de la Cinematographie NationaleLes Films Soleil OMinistère de la cultureMinistère de l'information et de la culture du Burkina

Production Country : Burkina FasoFranceMauritania

Alternative Titles :


Aï Keïta

Character Name : Sarraounia

Original Name : Aï Keïta

Gender : Female

Jean-Roger Milo

Character Name : Capitaine Voulet

Original Name : Jean-Roger Milo

Gender : Male

Féodor Atkine

Character Name : Chanoine

Original Name : Féodor Atkine

Gender : Male

Didier Sauvegrain

Character Name : Doctor Henric

Original Name : Didier Sauvegrain

Gender : Male

Roger Miremont

Character Name : Lieutenant Joalland

Original Name : Roger Miremont

Gender : Male

Luc-Antoine Diquéro

Character Name : Lieutenant Pallier

Original Name : Luc-Antoine Diquéro

Gender : Male

Jean-Pierre Castaldi

Character Name : Sergeant Boutel

Original Name : Jean-Pierre Castaldi

Gender : Male


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