The Tiger Factory
Ping Ping is 19 and wants to go to Japan to work in a car parts company. She's under the guardianship of her aunt, Madame Tien, who shuffles her between two jobs - working in a pig farm, and cleaning dishes in a rundown restaurant. Tien is also involved in a 'baby factory' scheme, pairing young women with migrant workers and then selling the babies for money. Both survive with each other in a love-hate symbiotic manner, until a truth about her aunt is revealed to Ping Ping.
Release Date : 2010-05-21
Language :MalayMandarinCantonese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Greenlight PicturesAndo LaboratoryWaseda University Ando Laboratory
Production Country : JapanMalaysia
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Ping
Original Name : Fooi Mun Lai
Gender : Male
Character Name : Madam Tien
Original Name : Pearlly Chua
Gender : Female
Character Name : Mei
Original Name : Susan Lee Fong Zhi
Gender : Male
Character Name : Loan Shark
Original Name : Bok Lai Loh
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Lesly Leon Lee
Gender : Male
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