
Flames Over Treasures


Deep in the Transylvanian Alps, the Archangels gold mine is the stage for an epic battle of characters. The arrogant owner is struggling with perceptions of ghosts in the mind of the miners. A maverick free-lance miner is helping him to find the source of terrifying noises that frightened his workers.

Release Date : 1988-01-01

Language :Romanian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Casa de Filme Patru

Production Country : Romania

Alternative Titles : Flames Over Treasures


Mircea Albulescu

Character Name : Iosif Rodean

Original Name : Mircea Albulescu

Gender : Male

Claudiu Bleonţ

Character Name : Vasile Mureșan

Original Name : Claudiu Bleonţ

Gender : Male

Remus Mărgineanu

Character Name : Mârza

Original Name : Remus Mărgineanu

Gender : Male

Magda Catone

Character Name : Maria Rodean

Original Name : Magda Catone

Gender : Female

Viorel Ludușan

Character Name :

Original Name : Viorel Ludușan

Gender : Male

Vasile Nițulescu

Character Name :

Original Name : Vasile Nițulescu

Gender : Male

Claudiu Oblea

Character Name :

Original Name : Claudiu Oblea

Gender : Male

Valentin Uritescu

Character Name : Pruncul

Original Name : Valentin Uritescu

Gender : Male

Melania Ursu

Character Name : Widower

Original Name : Melania Ursu

Gender : Female

Anca Dincă

Character Name : Ilenuța Rodean

Original Name : Anca Dincă

Gender : Male

Imola Gáspár

Character Name : Innkeeper

Original Name : Imola Gáspár

Gender : Female

Mircea Diaconu

Character Name : Barkeeper

Original Name : Mircea Diaconu

Gender : Male

Lucia Mara Dabija

Character Name : Marina Rodean

Original Name : Lucia Mara Dabija

Gender : Male

Tudor Gheorghe

Character Name : Ghiță Rodean

Original Name : Tudor Gheorghe

Gender : Male

Mihai Constantin

Character Name :

Original Name : Mihai Constantin

Gender : Male

Mihai Dinvale

Character Name :

Original Name : Mihai Dinvale

Gender : Male

Ion Haiduc

Character Name :

Original Name : Ion Haiduc

Gender : Male






This movie, as well as others from Nicolae Margineanu is now available on DVD with subtitles in English, German, French and Spanish. Look for Ager-film Editions in the web. It's seldom enough for Romanian films to be worth mentioning. Shot a year after the famous "Pandureanca", we notice a bit of the same mysterious atmosphere produced by awesome landscapes and silent looks. Some of the landscapes shown in this film are now endangered by the project of a Canada-based mining company which projects to create there the largest open-air gold-mine in Europe. Fears for the ecological balance of the whole region is big. Gold still drives people crazy, thus making the film of a burning actuality.