
The Villain

- ...the fastest fun in the west!

Handsome Stranger has agreed to escort Charming Jones to collect her inheritance from her father. But Avery Simpson wants the money and hires notorious outlaw Cactus Jack to ambush Charming. However, Cactus Jack is not very good at robbing people.

Release Date : 1979-07-26

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Rastar Productions

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles : Cactus JackThe Villain


Kirk Douglas

Character Name : Cactus Jack

Original Name : Kirk Douglas

Gender : Male


Character Name : Charming Jones

Original Name : Ann-Margret

Gender : Female

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Character Name : Handsome Stranger

Original Name : Arnold Schwarzenegger

Gender : Male

Paul Lynde

Character Name : Nervous Elk

Original Name : Paul Lynde

Gender : Male

Foster Brooks

Character Name : Bank Clerk

Original Name : Foster Brooks

Gender : Male

Ruth Buzzi

Character Name : Damsel in Distress

Original Name : Ruth Buzzi

Gender : Female

Jack Elam

Character Name : Avery Simpson

Original Name : Jack Elam

Gender : Male

Strother Martin

Character Name : Parody Jones

Original Name : Strother Martin

Gender : Male

Robert Tessier

Character Name : Mashing Finger

Original Name : Robert Tessier

Gender : Male

Mel Tillis

Character Name : Telegraph Agent

Original Name : Mel Tillis

Gender : Male

Laura Lizer Sommers

Character Name : Working Girl

Original Name : Laura Lizer Sommers

Gender : Female

Ray Bickel

Character Name : Man

Original Name : Ray Bickel

Gender : Male

Jan Eddy

Character Name : Sheriff

Original Name : Jan Eddy

Gender : Male

Mel Todd

Character Name : Conductor

Original Name : Mel Todd

Gender : Male

Jim Anderson

Character Name : Bartender

Original Name : Jim Anderson

Gender : Male

Ed Little

Character Name : Little Man in Bar

Original Name : Ed Little

Gender : Male

Dick Dickinson

Character Name : Man in Bar

Original Name : Dick Dickinson

Gender : Male

Richard Brewer

Character Name : Man in Bar

Original Name : Richard Brewer

Gender : Male

Charles Haigh

Character Name : Salesman

Original Name : Charles Haigh

Gender : Male

Ron Duffy

Character Name : Salesman

Original Name : Ron Duffy

Gender : Male

Earl W. Smith

Character Name : Salesman

Original Name : Earl W. Smith

Gender : Male

Mike Cerre

Character Name : Salesman

Original Name : Mike Cerre

Gender : Male

Lee Davis

Character Name : Salesman

Original Name : Lee Davis

Gender : Male

Dick Armstrong

Character Name : Ticket Agent

Original Name : Dick Armstrong

Gender : Male

Sheldon Rosner

Character Name : Little Man Outside Bank

Original Name : Sheldon Rosner

Gender : Male

Bud Stout

Character Name : Blacksmith

Original Name : Bud Stout

Gender : Male


Character Name : Whiskey

Original Name : Ott

Gender : Male






A slow-witted cowboy named Handsome Stranger (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is acting as a bodyguard of sorts for a woman named Charming Jones (Ann-Margret). Charming is traveling across the West with fortune in a locked chest. An old outlaw named Cactus Jack (Kirk Douglas) is hired to steal the chest. Cactus Jack comes up with trap after trap to try to get his hands on the loot, but each plan fails epically. I can't tell you how many reviews I've read comparing The Villain to a live action Wile E Coyote cartoon. While I see some comparisons, the difference is that Wile E Coyote's tales are funny and told with wit and charm. The tale of Cactus Jack is filled with failed attempts at comedy and is about as dull as anything I've seen recently. None of it worked on me. I knew I was in trouble five minutes into the movie when Jack has an argument with his horse. Ugh. I could see my 6-year old laughing at some of Jack's hijinks, but none of it brought as much as a smile to my face. I was bored to tears. Without a car in sight, director Hal Needham seems horribly out of his element. As for the acting, I watched The Villain for Schwarzenegger. However, in 1979, he was still a terribly green actor. In most scenes, he's as stiff as a board. The ridiculously gorgeous Ann-Margaret almost makes The Villain worth watching on her own, but after a while, ogling Ann-Margret can get tedious. As for Douglas, what an embarrassment! Let's just say that comedy wasn't his thing. The highlight of the cast for me was easily Strother Martin in a bit part. His five minutes of screen-time were easily the best part of the film.