In lots of myth, a hero must undergo a "Nachtmeerfahrt" in which he encounter mysterious creatures and dangerous events. The psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), himself made such an expedition to survey the world of symbols and archetypes, asking about their relevance for our lives. How do "Nachtmeerfahrten" appear today? Are they dangerous in some ways and which potential do they have? What are our spirits ("anima") and shadows telling us thereby? Does the imagines of our subconsciousness contain spiritual messages? This is a filmic journey to the biography of C. G. Jung and to the mighty world of myths, dreams and symbols.
Release Date : 2011-10-26
Language :EnglishGerman
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Atalante Film
Production Country : Germany
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Narrator (Voice)
Original Name : Frank Arnold
Gender : Male
Character Name : Dancer
Original Name : Lena Meierkord
Gender : Male
Character Name : Narrator (Voice)
Original Name : Gert Heidenreich
Gender : Male
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