
The Elephant on the Bike


The Elephant On The Bike is a coming-of-age drama about a man whose childhood has been overcast in painful memories due to his disability. It's a candid story about one man's internal struggles as he makes the transition from adolescence to adulthood, carrying the psychological wound caused by his physical deformity, plus the impact of his disability on his family. Despite the constant social and family conflicts that dampen his already disheartened soul, a glimmer of hope arises as he discovers the ultimate joy of life - loving someone and being loved. In his feature-length debut, Kwon conveys the message that not all physically challenged protagonists end up miraculously overcoming their hardships. A poignant tearjerker minus the superficial themes, The Elephant On The Bike offers realism throughout its heartwarming tale.

Release Date : 2007-04-19

Language :Korean

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

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Alternative Titles :


Yang Jin-Woo

Character Name : Dong-gyu

Original Name : Yang Jin-Woo

Gender : Male

Oh Kwang-rok

Character Name : Dong-gyu's father

Original Name : 오광록

Gender : Male

Park Hyo-ju

Character Name : Yoo-ri

Original Name : 박효주

Gender : Female

Kim Jung-hwa

Character Name : Ha-Kyung

Original Name : 김정화

Gender : Female

Cho Seong-ha

Character Name : brother-in-law

Original Name : 조성하

Gender : Male


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