


Seven adolescents take on the mission of filming, for one week, their family's housemaids and hand over the footage to the director to make a film. The images that confront us uncover the complex relationship that exists between housemaids and their employers, a relationship that confuses intimacy and power in the workplace and provides us with an insight into the echoes of a colonial past that linger in contemporary Brazil.

Release Date : 2012-09-18

Language :Portuguese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : FiGa FilmsDesvia

Production Country : Brazil

Alternative Titles :


Dilma dos Santos Souza

Character Name :

Original Name : Dilma dos Santos Souza

Gender : Male

Flávia Santos Silva

Character Name :

Original Name : Flávia Santos Silva

Gender : Male

Helena Araújo

Character Name :

Original Name : Helena Araújo

Gender : Male

Lucimar Roza

Character Name :

Original Name : Lucimar Roza

Gender : Male

Maria das Graças Almeida

Character Name :

Original Name : Maria das Graças Almeida

Gender : Male

Sérgio de Jesus

Character Name :

Original Name : Sérgio de Jesus

Gender : Male

Vanuza de Oliveira

Character Name :

Original Name : Vanuza de Oliveira

Gender : Male

Carolina Fernandes

Character Name : Producer

Original Name : Carolina Fernandes

Gender : Male


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