Virgin Breaker Yuki
Based on a manga by Kosuke Miki and Tadashi Matsumori, this film follows the adventures of Yuki, who works in a Kyoto red-light district house of ill repute as a "tamawari," or "virgin-breaker." She's the gal who gets first dibs on the new recruits to the brothel (some willing, some not), and it's her job to break them in for future clients. The film finds Yuki involved with a group of political rebels and anarchists after the Peace Preservation Law was passed in 1925 and walks a fine line between black humor and severe cruelty.
Release Date : 1975-05-14
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Toei Company
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles : Virgin Breaker Yuki
Character Name : Yuki
Original Name : 潤ますみ
Gender : Female
Character Name : Rokuzo
Original Name : 川谷拓三
Gender : Male
Character Name : Constable
Original Name : Yukio Miyagi
Gender : Male
Character Name : Detective
Original Name : 岩尾正隆
Gender : Male
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