Cathy, 6, is taken by a social worker to a foster home in the countryside, where she slowly gets used to the strict rules imposed by her foster mother Réjeanne. Fortunately, her foster father, Reynald, is kind and gentle with the girl and patiently helps her break through her shell. Kayla, 12, is sent to a group home where she gets to know Morgane, a rebellious teenager who’s planning to run away. At about the same time, Manu is released from the system on the day she turns 18, but she finds it difficult to adjust to her solitary existence outside of the system. All four meet up at a reception honoring a foster family with whom they’ve all previously lived.
Release Date : 2012-11-08
Language :French
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Super ÉcranICI RDI
Production Country : Canada
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Cathy
Original Name : Émilie Bierre
Gender : Female
Character Name : Mégane
Original Name : Rosine Chouinard-Chauveau
Gender : Female
Character Name : Kayla
Original Name : Joyce-Tamara Hall
Gender : Male
Character Name : Raynald
Original Name : Roger La Rue
Gender : Male
Character Name : Manu
Original Name : Frédérique Paré
Gender : Male
Character Name : Réjanne
Original Name : Isabelle Vincent
Gender : Female
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