


Alejandro and Aurora, two young students, leave Santiago and are on their way to spend Christmas with family in Aurora. At the foot of the Andes, the frustrations of Alejandro and Aurora’s doubts about her sexual identity cause tension. The two teens are on the verge of collapse when they discover the presence of a young girl, Alicia, a fragile girl of sixteen years who has fled her home. Gathered around an improvised Christmas tree, Alejandro and Aurora are fascinated by the enigmatic Alicia, who is becoming the object of their desire.

Release Date : 2009-11-04

Language :Spanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : FranceChile

Alternative Titles :


Manuela Martelli

Character Name : Aurora

Original Name : Manuela Martelli

Gender : Female

Diego Ruiz

Character Name : Alejandro

Original Name : Diego Ruiz

Gender : Male

Alicia Rodríguez

Character Name : Alicia

Original Name : Alicia Rodríguez

Gender : Female


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