Science FictionDramaThriller


- I will do anything you say. Just open your eyes.

Koichi and Atsumi are lovers who have known each other all their lives. A year ago, however, a suicide attempt by Atsumi left her in a coma. Through 'sensing', a type of neurosurgical procedure allowing contact with the intentional aspect of a comatose patient's mind, Koishi tries to find out why Atsumi tried to kill herself, and to bring her back to consciousness. He enters her subconscious, and is told to find a picture of a plesiosaur she drew when she was a child. It turns out that a childhood incident buried in their past will bring their minds together.

Release Date : 2013-06-01

Language :Japanese

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : TBSTOHOdentsuTwins JapanCBCAmazon JapanOORONG-SHARKB Mainichi Broadcasting CorporationAMUSEWOWOWGYAOHokkaido Broadcasting Co.The Asahi Shimbun

Production Country : Japan

Alternative Titles : RealReal A Perfect Day for Plesiosaur


Takeru Satoh

Character Name : Koichi Fujita

Original Name : 佐藤健

Gender : Male

Haruka Ayase

Character Name : Atsumi

Original Name : 綾瀬はるか

Gender : Female

Joe Odagiri

Character Name : Sawano

Original Name : オダギリジョー

Gender : Male

Shota Sometani

Character Name : Shingo Takagi

Original Name : 染谷将太

Gender : Male

Keisuke Horibe

Character Name : Yonemura

Original Name : 堀部圭亮

Gender : Male

Yutaka Matsushige

Character Name : Haruhiko

Original Name : 松重豊

Gender : Male

Kyoko Koizumi

Character Name : Makiko

Original Name : 小泉今日子

Gender : Female

Kenta Hamano

Character Name : Police Officer

Original Name : 浜野謙太

Gender : Male

Miki Nakatani

Character Name : Shrink

Original Name : 中谷美紀

Gender : Female


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