


Fifteen years ago, their Washington Heights neighborhood was dubbed the crack-cocaine capital of the world, but today it is transforming into one of the most vibrant, Spanish-speaking communities in the United States. While the drug dealers continue to disappear, their violent legacy still casts a shadow over the neighborhood and its residents. Junior, an ex-convict struggling to get his life back on track, is a product of this legacy. His younger brother Manny, the salutatorian of his high school class, embodies the hope of the future. On the night of his graduation party, Manny finds himself faced with an ill-fated decision that could change his life forever

Release Date : 2002-01-15

Language :EnglishSpanish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Franky G

Character Name : Junior Moreno

Original Name : Franky G

Gender : Male

Leo Minaya

Character Name : Manny Moreno

Original Name : Leo Minaya

Gender : Male

Manuel Cabral

Character Name : Oscar Moreno

Original Name : Manuel Cabral

Gender : Male

Jessica Morales

Character Name : Marisol

Original Name : Jessica Morales

Gender : Male

Julissa Lopez

Character Name : Miriam Moreno

Original Name : Julissa Lopez

Gender : Male

Héctor González

Character Name : Abuelo

Original Name : Héctor González

Gender : Male

Panchito Gómez

Character Name : Rodchenko

Original Name : Panchito Gómez

Gender : Male

Reggie Alvin Green

Character Name : Besetzung aus Gefängnis-Szene

Original Name : Reggie Alvin Green

Gender : Male






Meh, overkill on the stereotypes, machismo and ever present empowerment from saying "fuck". Predictable all the way through although Manny's situation at the end is easily the best part of this average movie, I give it an extra star for that. Overall weak FM release.