The Last Frankenstein
Professor Sarusawa and his psychic daughter Mai live together after the suicide of the Professor's wife years earlier - which was caused by a suicide plague running rampant throughout the city. Dr. Aryo lives in a nearby castle with his wife, whom Dr. Aryo created, and a hunchbacked assistant. Dr. Aryo once worked at the same university with Professor Sarusawa but was fired for his morbid experiments. Now, Dr. Aryo may hold the key to unlocking the origins & cure for the suicide virus which Professor Sarusawa may now have. Meanwhile Professor Sarusawa's daughter Mai can be bring to life Dr. Aryo's stitched up cadavers which Dr. Aryo hopes to create a new race with.
Release Date : 1991-04-20
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : ShochikuBandai Visual
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Prof. Sarusawa
Original Name : 柄本明
Gender : Male
Character Name : Dr. Akira Aryo
Original Name : 原田芳雄
Gender : Male
Character Name : Oyama
Original Name : 唐十郎
Gender : Male
Character Name : The Monster
Original Name : Kazuhiko Goda
Gender : Male
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