New Dawn
On the spur of the moment, 30-year old Alain gives up his well-paid job as a tester of computer games, but is uncertain over what do next. He takes up the offer of a place on a course to learn how to operate a bulldozer, although this means spending time away from home. During his training, he is paired up with a child-like younger man, Manu, who is passionate about wanting to drive a bulldozer but has no aptitude for the job. While his marriage starts to fall apart, Alain finds himself becoming more dependent on his relationship with Manu.
Release Date : 1999-09-08
Language :French
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company :
Production Country : France
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Alain
Original Name : Samuel Le Bihan
Gender : Male
Character Name : Manu
Original Name : Marcial Di Fonzo Bo
Gender : Male
Character Name : Isabelle
Original Name : Claire Nebout
Gender : Female
Character Name : Pascale
Original Name : Catherine Vinatier
Gender : Female
Character Name : Jean
Original Name : Fabien Lucciarini
Gender : Male
Character Name : Anna
Original Name : Candice Dufour
Gender : Male
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