
Mexicali Shmoes


A pair of not-too-bright Mexican cats, one shorter-tempered than the other, decide to chase Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in all Mexico.

Release Date : 1959-07-04

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Warner Bros. Pictures

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :


Mel Blanc

Character Name : Speedy Gonzales / Jose (voice)

Original Name : Mel Blanc

Gender : Male

Tom Holland

Character Name : Manuel

Original Name : Tom Holland

Gender : Male






A pair of fairly dense, sombrero clad, cats are combining a siesta with some guitar playing and dancing. Not for the first time, "Speedy" is lured from his home to join in the dancing, but soon realises he's their intended supper. What chance they will ever be able to apprehend their speedy rodent? Well perhaps dynamite might work? Land mines? Yep, it's all a bit same old, same old, this - repeating scenarios we've seen a few times before with "Road Runner" or "Bugs Bunny" only this time it's the smug little mouse whom they are trying to ensnare. The end with his distant cousin "Showpoke Rodriguez" might just be the high point. It's OK, but I'll never remember it.