AdventureScience Fiction

The Aquanauts


While doing their work on the deep underwater station two aquanauts discover strange mystery: it seems as if one of the aquanaut's girlfriend who recently died in a car crash had turned into a big manta fish. That manta writes words on the station's port-holes and tries to draw attention many other ways.

Release Date : 1980-10-11

Language :Russian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Gorky Film Studios

Production Country : Soviet Union

Alternative Titles :


German Poloskov

Character Name : Igor Sobolev

Original Name : German Poloskov

Gender : Male

Aleksandr Yakovlev

Character Name : Sven Boll

Original Name : Александр Яковлев

Gender : Male

Iren Azer

Character Name : Lotta Kerom

Original Name : Ирина Азер

Gender : Female

Vatslav Dvorzhetsky

Character Name : Professor Kerom

Original Name : Вацлав Дворжецкий

Gender : Male

Arnis Licitis

Character Name : Dumont

Original Name : Arnis Līcītis

Gender : Male

Nikolai Kryukov

Character Name : Commander

Original Name : Николай Крюков

Gender : Male

Yuriy Sarantsev

Character Name : Selivanov

Original Name : Юрий Саранцев

Gender : Male

Pauls Butkevics

Character Name : Dugovsky

Original Name : Pauls Butkēvičs

Gender : Male


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