A Beast at Bay
Mary Pickford as "The Young Woman", is quite taken with Edwin August; in fact, he is her "ideal". But Mr. August's refusal to get mixed up in a street brawl makes him look like a coward to Ms. Pickford. Meanwhile, convict Alfred Paget has escaped from prison; and, he is "A Beast at Bay". While Pickford and August go for a ride in her automobile, criminal Paget ambushes one of his guards, taking the man's clothing and gun. Pickford drops off August, still arguing he is a coward, and drives off. Alone, Pickford gets out of her car to retrieve a fallen garment; then, on-the-lam Paget moves in to carjack her. From a distance, August witnesses Pickford being taken at gunpoint - can he save his girl, and prove he's not a coward?
Release Date : 1912-05-26
Language :No Language
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : American Mutoscope & Biograph
Production Country : United States of America
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : The Young Woman
Original Name : Mary Pickford
Gender : Female
Character Name : The Young Woman's Ideal
Original Name : Edwin August
Gender : Male
Character Name : The Convict
Original Name : Alfred Paget
Gender : Male
Character Name : A Farmer
Original Name : Robert Harron
Gender : Male
Character Name : The Young Woman's Friend
Original Name : Mae Marsh
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : William A. Carroll
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Henry Lehrman
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : W.C. Robinson
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Charles West
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Christy Cabanne
Gender : Male
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