
And the Little Prince Said


A divorced Swiss couple must come to terms with their daughter's life-threatening illness. He, a scientist, snatches his daughter from the examining table at the clinic and takes her away as if to kidnap her from the disease. His ex-wife, an actress, takes to bed weeping uncontrollably when she learns of her daughter's tumor. The girl's step-mother, an Asian-American physician, is clinical in her response, outlining a treatment regimen of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. It is left to the girl herself, ten-year-old Violette, to be calm, reassuring, philosophical, and even metaphysical as she faces death.

Release Date : 1992-11-24

Language :French

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Alia FilmsTSR

Production Country : FranceSwitzerland

Alternative Titles :


Richard Berry

Character Name : Adam Leibovich

Original Name : Richard Berry

Gender : Male


Character Name : Melanie

Original Name : Anémone

Gender : Female

Lucie Phan

Character Name : Lucie

Original Name : Lucie Phan

Gender : Female

Marie Kleiber

Character Name : Violette Leibovich

Original Name : Marie Kleiber

Gender : Male

Mista Préchac

Character Name : Minerve

Original Name : Mista Préchac

Gender : Male

Claude Muret

Character Name : Jean-Pierre

Original Name : Claude Muret

Gender : Male


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