
Romance for Lovers


Sergei and Tanya are in love with each other. Sergei is drafted into the marine corps and Tania waits for his return. Sergei's division is abandoned in favor of helping local residents in distress. During the operation, his armored personnel gets carried into the sea. His relatives receive a notice of his death. Tanya's loving childhood friend, a hockey player, helps her to cope with misfortune and she marries him. But it turned out that Sergei did not perish. He, together with a wounded friend he saved, are found on a deserted island after a long winter. Back home, Sergei learns that Tanya has married another. Unable to accept the loss of his beloved, Sergei dies; but this death is a symbolic and emotional one, not physical. Sergei continues to live a normal life without shock and strong distress, meets another girl, marries her, has a child. In the finale there is a spiritual rebirth of the hero.

Release Date : 1974-11-10

Language :Russian

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Mosfilm

Production Country : Soviet Union

Alternative Titles : A Lover's Romance


Yevgeni Kindinov

Character Name : Sergey Nikitin

Original Name : Евгений Киндинов

Gender : Male

Yelena Koreneva

Character Name : Tanya

Original Name : Елена Коренева

Gender : Female

Innokentiy Smoktunovskiy

Character Name : Trumpeter

Original Name : Иннокентий Смоктуновский

Gender : Male

Irina Kupchenko

Character Name : Lyuda

Original Name : Ирина Купченко

Gender : Female

Iya Savvina

Character Name : Tanya's mother

Original Name : Ия Саввина

Gender : Female

Vladimir Konkin

Character Name : Sergey's youngest brother

Original Name : Владимир Конкин

Gender : Male

Aleksandr Zbruev

Character Name : Igor Volgin

Original Name : Александр Збруев

Gender : Male

Nikolay Grinko

Character Name : Vice-Admiral

Original Name : Микола Гринько

Gender : Male

Ivan Ryzhov

Character Name : Vasily Vasilyevich

Original Name : Иван Рыжов

Gender : Male


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