Not by Bread Alone
During the post-WW2 reconstruction in Russia, bald-headed technocrat Drozhdov equates communism with the empowerment of the ordinary man over the arrogant "specialness" of genius. Dedicated scientist Lopatkin takes refuge in Moscow with the potty, brilliant old inventor Busko. Lopatkin works tirelessly on his invention, embarking on a roller-coaster of rejection and acceptance, his work vilified, plucked apart and plagiarized by colleagues, particularly by his nemesis Drozhdov. Drozhdov's wife Natasha, alienated from her cold, controlling husband, is increasingly drawn to Lopatkin, whom she knew when they both taught at the same school. Soon she runs away from her husband and happily keeps house for the two absent-minded ex-professors Lopatkin and Busko. Natasha is ready to give Lopatkin her own life, love and faith. Lopatkin is eager to sacrifice his life for the idea, doing the utmost for his motherland.
Release Date : 2005-11-24
Language :Russian
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Mosfilm
Production Country : Russia
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Nadezhda Drozdova
Original Name : Светлана Ходченкова
Gender : Female
Character Name : Professor Busko
Original Name : Алексей Петренко
Gender : Male
Character Name : Lopatkin
Original Name : Михаил Елисеев
Gender : Male
Character Name : Drozdov
Original Name : Виктор Сухоруков
Gender : Male
Character Name : Lukeria Pavlovna
Original Name : Валентина Березуцкая
Gender : Female
Character Name : maid Shura
Original Name : Варвара Шулятьева
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : Alexander Rosenbaum
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Евгений Гришковец
Gender : Male
Character Name : Tupikin
Original Name : Владимир Семаго
Gender : Male
Character Name : Petr Sianov
Original Name : Виктор Борцов
Gender : Male
Character Name : Titova
Original Name : Юлия Ауг
Gender : Female
Character Name :
Original Name : Михаил Солодко
Gender : Male
Character Name : Министр
Original Name : Станислав Говорухин
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Дмитрий Шевченко
Gender : Male
Character Name : Shutikov
Original Name : Иван Агапов
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Oksana Dorokhina
Gender : Female
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