
Ulysses and the Giant Polyphemus


An early horror treatment of the hero's encounter with the one-eyed man-eating Cyclops.

Release Date : 1905-09-01

Language :No Language

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Star Film

Production Country : France

Alternative Titles : The Mysterious Island


Georges Méliès

Character Name : Ulysses (uncredited)

Original Name : Georges Méliès

Gender : Male






This isn't quite how Homer wrote his epic as Georges Méliès uses a little creative licence to tell us of Ulysses, returning from the Trojan war, being lured onto the island of the temptress Calypso where he encounters not just a collection of serenading nymphs but also the legendary cyclops Polyphemus. The betting isn't on his escaping but can he prevail? It's barely four minutes long but the last minute or so is worth a glance as we see a couple of really quite impressive visual effects emanating from a cave. Otherwise it's all rather theatrical in appearance but filmed in a remarkably decent quality.