
Dark at Noon


In this mystical comedy, Felicien has traveled to Portugal from France soon after the end of the First World War. It seems that his recently deceased father had invested a lot of money in a factory located in a remote village, and he has come to evaluate that investment. He gets some clues to the real situation in the town when the man driving his coach refuses to go any further and leaves him on a section of road which is practically paved with abandoned crutches. After a short trek, he meets up with the local dignitary who is to show him around, and he meets a priest and an artist. The priest gives a further clue to the events taking place in the village when he indicates that he's completely exasperated with the endless miracles that seem to be taking place. From that point onward, amazing coincidences, visions and miracles take place in great numbers.

Release Date : 1992-10-01

Language :EnglishFrench

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : AnimatógrafoCanal+CNCSacemSidereal Productions

Production Country : FrancePortugal

Alternative Titles :


John Hurt

Character Name : Anthony / Le Marquis

Original Name : John Hurt

Gender : Male

Didier Bourdon

Character Name : Docteur Felicien

Original Name : Didier Bourdon

Gender : Male

Lorraine Evanoff

Character Name : Ines

Original Name : Lorraine Evanoff

Gender : Male

David Warner

Character Name : Ellic

Original Name : David Warner

Gender : Male

Daniel Prévost

Character Name : Le curé

Original Name : Daniel Prévost

Gender : Male

Myriem Roussel

Character Name : La vierge des imitations

Original Name : Myriem Roussel

Gender : Female

Felipe Dias

Character Name : L'enfant

Original Name : Felipe Dias

Gender : Male

Baptista Fernandes

Character Name : Père Felicien

Original Name : Baptista Fernandes

Gender : Male

Alexandre de Sousa

Character Name : Médecin 1

Original Name : Alexandre de Sousa

Gender : Male

Laurent Moine

Character Name : Médecin 2

Original Name : Laurent Moine

Gender : Male

Rui Mendes

Character Name : Employe

Original Name : Rui Mendes

Gender : Male

André Maia

Character Name : Jeune ouvrier

Original Name : André Maia

Gender : Male

Rui Luís Brás

Character Name : Prisonnier

Original Name : Rui Luís Brás

Gender : Male

João Baião

Character Name :

Original Name : João Baião

Gender : Male

Suzana Borges

Character Name :

Original Name : Suzana Borges

Gender : Female

Samantha Gee

Character Name : Virgin

Original Name : Samantha Gee

Gender : Male

Beatrice Laherrere

Character Name : Virgin

Original Name : Beatrice Laherrere

Gender : Male

Adriana Novais

Character Name : Paula

Original Name : Adriana Novais

Gender : Male

Augusto Portela

Character Name :

Original Name : Augusto Portela

Gender : Male

Maria João Reis

Character Name : Ana

Original Name : Maria João Reis

Gender : Male

Kevin Lucero Less

Character Name : La Policia

Original Name : Kevin Lucero Less

Gender : Male


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