Butter on the Latch
Sarah and Isolde share an interest in the traditional music and dance of the Balkans, but it turns out that shared interests don’t always unite them. Their trip, initially a fun bonding experience, takes a southward turn when Sarah becomes interested in handsome fellow camper Steph. A seemingly innocent romantic overture touches off an abrupt shift in the dynamic between the two girlfriends, steering a previously ecstatic camp outing down a psychological rabbit hole.
Release Date : 2013-05-09
Language :English
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Third Room Productions
Production Country : United States of America
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Isolde
Original Name : Isolde Chae-Lawrence
Gender : Male
Character Name : Sarah
Original Name : Sarah Small
Gender : Female
Character Name : Steph
Original Name : Charlie Hewson
Gender : Male
Character Name : Guy
Original Name : Stephan Goldbach
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Emily Decker
Gender : Male
Character Name :
Original Name : Yury Yakor
Gender : Male
Character Name : Guy in New York
Original Name : Yury Korenblit
Gender : Male
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