Science FictionTV MovieAdventure


- When the world goes up in flames, they have nowhere to go but down.

When cracks in the Earth's crust large enough to swallow a city block appear, a team of scientists must go deep into the Earth to find a way to stop the destruction.

Release Date : 2005-05-20

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Lionsgate

Production Country : CanadaUnited States of America

Alternative Titles :


Luke Perry

Character Name : Dr. Jake Rollins

Original Name : Luke Perry

Gender : Male

Natalie Brown

Character Name : Jen

Original Name : Natalie Brown

Gender : Female

Michael Dorn

Character Name : General Fielding

Original Name : Michael Dorn

Gender : Male

Rick Roberts

Character Name : Dr. Palmer Drake

Original Name : Rick Roberts

Gender : Male

Marie Ward

Character Name : Dr. Karen West

Original Name : Marie Ward

Gender : Female

Mimi Kuzyk

Character Name : Marsha Crawford

Original Name : Mimi Kuzyk

Gender : Female

Michael Teigen

Character Name : Black

Original Name : Michael Teigen

Gender : Male

Mike Realba

Character Name : Decker

Original Name : Mike Realba

Gender : Male

Adam Frost

Character Name : Captain Haywood

Original Name : Adam Frost

Gender : Male

James Downing

Character Name : Major McEwan

Original Name : James Downing

Gender : Male

Jefferson Brown

Character Name : Seth

Original Name : Jefferson Brown

Gender : Male

Martin Roach

Character Name : Man in Black

Original Name : Martin Roach

Gender : Male

J.C. Kenny

Character Name : News Reporter

Original Name : J.C. Kenny

Gender : Female






Luckily the Ring of Fire heats up - because precious little else does in this really rather poor vehicle for "90210" and "Buffy" star Luke Perry. As he aged, he lost his boyish good looks and sadly the acting talent left behind was simply nowhere near enough to hold this rather fanciful sci-fi together. To be fair, he is not helped by a really indifferent bunch of C-listers in support. Indeed Adam Frost ("Capt. Hayward") doesn't look like he has started to shave yet and Natalie brown just doesn't cut it as scientist "Jen". The plot is peppered with historical personal loathing issues and if anyone says "we have a problem" one more time...? I counted eight times as their mechanised journey into the planet's core to detonate some bombs to stop us being boiled/baked/steamed alive dragged on for what seemed like an eternity. The CGI is very basic and all in all this is just sci-fi channel fodder for some past his use by date eye-candy. Fortunately, there is the extra "s" in the title...