
Hi, Dharma 2: Showdown In Seoul


Following the last wish of an old master, three monks head to Seoul to rest his remains in the Mushim Temple. However, they discover that the heavily indebted host monk has abandoned the temple and its inhabitants. The three monks make every effort to help the temple by promoting it to the public and raising funds through donations. But just when things begin to look much brighter, a team of four gangsters reach the temple indicating their need to reclaim it for an urban redevelopment project.

Release Date : 2004-07-09

Language :Korean

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : CineworldCinema ServiceTiger PicturesKM Culture

Production Country : South Korea

Alternative Titles :


Jung Jin-young

Character Name : Brother Jeong-myeong

Original Name : 정진영

Gender : Male

Shin Hyun-joon

Character Name : Beom-shik

Original Name : 신현준

Gender : Male

Lee Won-jong

Character Name : Brother Hyeon-gak

Original Name : 이원종

Gender : Male

Lee Moon-sik

Character Name : Brother Dae-bong

Original Name : 이문식

Gender : Male

Yoo Hai-jin

Character Name : Yong-dae

Original Name : 유해진

Gender : Male

Han Hye-jin

Character Name : Mi-seon

Original Name : 한혜진

Gender : Female

Jeon So-hyun

Character Name : Restaurant

Original Name : 전소현

Gender : Female


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