
Never Die Alone

- No King Rules Forever

A drug kingpin's return home touches off a turf war.

Release Date : 2004-03-26

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : White Orchid FilmsContentFilmFearon EntertainmentBloodline FilmsVisionbox PicturesFox Searchlight Pictures

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles :



Character Name : King David

Original Name : DMX

Gender : Male

David Arquette

Character Name : Paul

Original Name : David Arquette

Gender : Male

Michael Ealy

Character Name : Michael

Original Name : Michael Ealy

Gender : Male

Drew Sidora

Character Name : Ella

Original Name : Drew Sidora

Gender : Female

Antwon Tanner

Character Name : Blue

Original Name : Antwon Tanner

Gender : Male


Character Name : Jasper

Original Name : Luenell

Gender : Female

Clifton Powell

Character Name : Moon

Original Name : Clifton Powell

Gender : Male

Tommy Lister Jr.

Character Name : Rockie

Original Name : Tommy Lister Jr.

Gender : Male

Aisha Tyler

Character Name : Nancy

Original Name : Aisha Tyler

Gender : Female

Art Evans

Character Name : Mr. Waters

Original Name : Art Evans

Gender : Male

Damion Poitier

Character Name : Alvin

Original Name : Damion Poitier

Gender : Male

Michele Shay

Character Name : Juanita's Mother

Original Name : Michele Shay

Gender : Female

Henry Gibson

Character Name : Funeral Home Director (uncredited)

Original Name : Henry Gibson

Gender : Male

Rhoda Jordan

Character Name : Brenda (uncredited)

Original Name : Rhoda Jordan

Gender : Female

Jennifer Sky

Character Name : Janet

Original Name : Jennifer Sky

Gender : Female

Reagan Gomez-Preston

Character Name : Juanita

Original Name : Reagan Gomez-Preston

Gender : Female

Robby Robinson

Character Name : Man in Apartment

Original Name : Robby Robinson

Gender : Male

Big Daddy Wayne

Character Name : Red

Original Name : Big Daddy Wayne

Gender : Male

Eric Payne

Character Name : Orderly

Original Name : Eric Payne

Gender : Male

Jeff Sanders

Character Name : Sentry Guard #1

Original Name : Jeff Sanders

Gender : Male






Journalist "Paul" (David Arquette) rushes recently shot "King David" (DMX) to hospital. Unable to save this man he had previously never met, he does find himself in possession of his car - and contained therein are some audio tapes delivering a retrospective of the deceased man's life as a small time drug dealer. This story offers us nothing at all new, indeed the DMX character is pretty odious from the get-go - especially when he decides to get his independently minded girlfriend hooked on heroin because she won't move in with him. It is gritty; there is a distinct plausibility about the way he lived his life; thoughtless and selfish, ruthless and devious. In parallel, we also feature a storyline about "Michael" (a competent Michael Ealy) who is making sure he avenges the killing even though he is a much more decent individual. Plenty of musicians have tried to cross to cinema and most can't hack it. Despite a reasonable effort with some dialogue that is nowhere near as banal as I'd expected, DMX relies too much on his own persona and charisma - of which he has plenty - rather than trying to imbue anything into his character, about whom I really couldn't have cared less. His own narration is sometimes quite withy and observational, but despite the frequency realistic drug abuse scenes, this still all quite well paced, but completely forgettable stuff.