The Sword
Kiyone Sakurai, an apprentice swordmaker makes a sword for his guardian, Kozaemon Onoda. Onoda breaks the sword while defending his lord which eventually leads to his death at the hands of Naito, when Naito demands to marry his daughter Sasae. Sasae vows to avenge her father's death and pleads for Kiyone Sakurai to make a special sword for her. So Kiyone and his fellow swordmaker Kiyotsugu go to the master swordsmith Kiyohide Yamatomori to learn their craft and forge the sword. - Will Gilbert
Release Date : 1945-02-08
Language :Japanese
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Shochiku
Production Country : Japan
Alternative Titles : The Famous Sword Bijomaru
Character Name : Kiyone
Original Name : 花柳章太郎
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kiyotsugu
Original Name : 伊志井寛
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kiyohide
Original Name : 柳永二郎
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kozaemon Onoda
Original Name : 大矢市次郎
Gender : Male
Character Name : Sasae Onoda
Original Name : 山田五十鈴
Gender : Female
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