
Hateship Loveship

- Dare to care.

A shy caretaker believes that the father of her teenage charge is falling in love with her, unaware that she is actually the victim of the girl's prank.

Release Date : 2014-04-11

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Fork FilmsUnion Entertainment GroupVenture ForthBenaroya PicturesThe Film Community

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles : Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage


Kristen Wiig

Character Name : Johanna Parry

Original Name : Kristen Wiig

Gender : Female

Guy Pearce

Character Name : Ken

Original Name : Guy Pearce

Gender : Male

Hailee Steinfeld

Character Name : Sabitha

Original Name : Hailee Steinfeld

Gender : Female

Jennifer Jason Leigh

Character Name : Chloe

Original Name : Jennifer Jason Leigh

Gender : Female

Sami Gayle

Character Name : Edith

Original Name : Sami Gayle

Gender : Female

Christine Lahti

Character Name : Eileen

Original Name : Christine Lahti

Gender : Female

Nick Nolte

Character Name : Mr. McCauley

Original Name : Nick Nolte

Gender : Male

Lauren Swinney

Character Name : Mrs. Willets

Original Name : Lauren Swinney

Gender : Female

Jeff Pope

Character Name : Oxygen Delivery Man

Original Name : Jeff Pope

Gender : Male

Joel K. Berger

Character Name : Stevie

Original Name : Joel K. Berger

Gender : Male

Don Brady

Character Name : Man on Computer

Original Name : Don Brady

Gender : Male

Becki Davis

Character Name : Librarian

Original Name : Becki Davis

Gender : Female

Peggy Walton-Walker

Character Name : Michelle's Clerk

Original Name : Peggy Walton-Walker

Gender : Female

Douglas M. Griffin

Character Name : Shipping Clerk

Original Name : Douglas M. Griffin

Gender : Male

Tony Bentley

Character Name : Mover

Original Name : Tony Bentley

Gender : Male

Brett Roedel

Character Name : Jason

Original Name : Brett Roedel

Gender : Male

Brian Roedel

Character Name : Justin

Original Name : Brian Roedel

Gender : Male

Casey Hendershot

Character Name : Old Man at Graduation

Original Name : Casey Hendershot

Gender : Male






This movie was based on the short story 'Hateship, Friensdhip, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage' which won the Noble prize in literature a decade ago. A pure drama about a middle aged single woman whose life was dedicated to her profession. Just like similar to the 'Finding Vivian Maier', except there was no photographies involved. Frankly, I was not predicted that this film would impress me a lot. Picked it to watch without an interest, but while a watch surprised and glued to my seat to the rest of the film. Even though there were fine actors in the movie like Guy Pearce and latest sensation Hailee Steinfield, it was a Kristen Wiig show. Apart from voice-over for the animations and other supporting roles, she was not seen in a top form recently. Her commitment to the character she played as Johanna Perry the live-in caretaker in the movie was inevitable to appreciate. Feels very real who fall for a teenagers prank that actually influence her life to turn it around. So how and what are the things to be done against the odds are displayed well. ''The only thing worse than friendship is hateship.'' Kind of 'second chance' theme, if you get one you must seize it. Though, it was not that simple in the movie, but developed at a fair dosage of obstacles between 'the desperate' and 'the hope' to form balanced account. Don't consider it an inspirational, it was just pieces of common event that's happening everywhere, but creatively put into the texts and then cinematic. Commercializable title that did not suit for a realistic narration. Especially not in todays world, might have been a perfect title 20-25 years ago. Once you watch it the perspective will change that still movie like this are made for the silver screen, not direct-to-television, but what? Sadly commercially fails. If you observe closely the end scene, it was very practical to the real life. Whether we accept our fate as it happened or we created it, the flaws always remain, especially in a relationship. That's what the entire movie unfolds, how people cope with each other despite what they were before. A very well told simple story. Of course it was a slow narration, not because of the stretched from a short story, but to give the depth in the portrayal. This movie is for ardent drama fans like me, for a change others as well should try this little sweet movie. 8/10