
Starred Up

- We're all different on the inside.

19-year-old Eric, arrogant and ultra-violent, is prematurely transferred to the same adult prison facility as his estranged father. As his explosive temper quickly finds him enemies in both prison authorities and fellow inmates — and his already volatile relationship with his father is pushed past breaking point — Eric is approached by a volunteer psychotherapist, who runs an anger management group for prisoners. Torn between gang politics, prison corruption, and a glimmer of something better, Eric finds himself in a fight for his own life, unsure if his own father is there to protect him or join in punishing him.

Release Date : 2014-03-21

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Quickfire FilmsLipsync ProductionsFilm4 ProductionsCreative ScotlandNorthern Ireland ScreenSigma Films

Production Country : IrelandUnited Kingdom

Alternative Titles :


Jack O'Connell

Character Name : Eric Love

Original Name : Jack O'Connell

Gender : Male

Ben Mendelsohn

Character Name : Neville Love

Original Name : Ben Mendelsohn

Gender : Male

Rupert Friend

Character Name : Oliver Baumer

Original Name : Rupert Friend

Gender : Male

David Ajala

Character Name : Tyrone

Original Name : David Ajala

Gender : Male

Peter Ferdinando

Character Name : Spencer

Original Name : Peter Ferdinando

Gender : Male

Gershwyn Eustache Jnr

Character Name : Des

Original Name : Gershwyn Eustache Jnr

Gender : Male

Anthony Welsh

Character Name : Hassan

Original Name : Anthony Welsh

Gender : Male

David Avery

Character Name : Ashley

Original Name : David Avery

Gender : Male

Sian Breckin

Character Name : Governor Cardew

Original Name : Sian Breckin

Gender : Female

Sam Spruell

Character Name : Deputy Governor Haynes

Original Name : Sam Spruell

Gender : Male

Gilly Gilchrist

Character Name : Principal Officer Scott

Original Name : Gilly Gilchrist

Gender : Male

Frederick Schmidt

Character Name : Officer Gentry

Original Name : Frederick Schmidt

Gender : Male

Edna Caskey

Character Name : Officer Evans

Original Name : Edna Caskey

Gender : Female

Duncan Airlie James

Character Name : Officer White

Original Name : Duncan Airlie James

Gender : Male

Matt Faris

Character Name : Officer Hall

Original Name : Matt Faris

Gender : Male

Tommy McDonnell

Character Name : Officer Self

Original Name : Tommy McDonnell

Gender : Male

James Doran

Character Name : Officer Smith

Original Name : James Doran

Gender : Male

Ian Beattie

Character Name : Officer Johnson

Original Name : Ian Beattie

Gender : Male

C.C. Smiff

Character Name : Officer Corsair

Original Name : C.C. Smiff

Gender : Male

Jonathan Asser

Character Name : Officer Edwards

Original Name : Jonathan Asser

Gender : Male

Paddy Rocks

Character Name : Officer Henry

Original Name : Paddy Rocks

Gender : Male

Darren Hart

Character Name : MacDonald

Original Name : Darren Hart

Gender : Male

Raphael Sowole

Character Name : Jago

Original Name : Raphael Sowole

Gender : Male

Basil Abdul-Latif

Character Name : Mubarak

Original Name : Basil Abdul-Latif

Gender : Male

Aisha Bywaters

Character Name : Nurse Bankford

Original Name : Aisha Bywaters

Gender : Female

Ashley Chin

Character Name : Ryan

Original Name : Ashley Chin

Gender : Male

Mark Asante

Character Name : Denton

Original Name : Mark Asante

Gender : Male

Paul Lewis Ferguson

Character Name : Worsley

Original Name : Paul Lewis Ferguson

Gender : Male

Ryan McKenna

Character Name : O'Sullivan

Original Name : Ryan McKenna

Gender : Male

Anthony Adjekum

Character Name : Officer Wilson

Original Name : Anthony Adjekum

Gender : Male

Amma Boateng

Character Name : Officer Stokes

Original Name : Amma Boateng

Gender : Female






The latest British prison movie, which was partially based on the true story. The whole movie was shot inside a prison evolving into depicting the prison life. When a young, but a violent crime offender, Eric been transformed into an adult penitentiary, he meets his compeer. His strength will be tested against his counterparts who are two times older than him. The young fellow all prepared to face the most dangerous criminals from the country. Thus his restless days begin to fight for survival. He signs for therapy meet which is forced by his father who is also an inmate. Like all the father, the story describes his role as a protector. Definitely not a melodrama, but deliberately aggressive and he can do anything to defend his son. **''Starred up means you are leader.''** Impressive tricks by the felons who hide their weapons and other stuffs which can be useful for their defense. There is no exact story, scene by scene, it just replicates the real prison's daily activities and experiences that one can go through. It is not a greatest prison story ever told, but the contents were so powerful, like, as I said it was kind of inspired by a real person's. Jack O'Connell was unbelievably good in his role. He's having a wonderful time right now and I am eager for his next venture 'Unbroken'. The other characters were not that exposed as he was, but given equal good performances. I have not seen any prison related movie recently and this movie surprisingly met above my expectation. 7.5/10