The Seventh Juror
- She was the victim...and he was...
In a moment of madness a middle-aged, married and respectable pharmacist kills a young woman who is sun-bathing by a lake. Unable to take in what he has done, he flees from the scene of the crime and behaves as if nothing has happened. Eventually her boyfriend is charged with the crime and, in a strange twist of fate, the killer finds himself serving on the jury.
Release Date : 1962-04-18
Language :French
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : Orex Films
Production Country : France
Alternative Titles : The 7th Juror
Character Name : Grégoire Duval, pharmacist
Original Name : Bernard Blier
Gender : Male
Character Name : Doctor Hess, veterinarian
Original Name : Maurice Biraud
Gender : Male
Character Name : Attorney General
Original Name : Francis Blanche
Gender : Male
Character Name : Geneviève Duval, Grégoire's wife
Original Name : Danièle Delorme
Gender : Female
Character Name : Sylvain Sautral, photographer and accused
Original Name : Jacques Riberolles
Gender : Male
Character Name : Maître Adreux, defense lawyer
Original Name : Yves Barsacq
Gender : Male
Character Name : Medical examiner
Original Name : Henri Crémieux
Gender : Male
Character Name : Garampon, fisherman on his boat
Original Name : Robert Dalban
Gender : Male
Character Name : Alice Moreux, Sylvain's mistress
Original Name : Anne Doat
Gender : Female
Character Name : Mrs. Sevestrain, witness at the hearing
Original Name : Madeleine Geoffroy
Gender : Male
Character Name : Catherine Nortier, the victim
Original Name : Françoise Giret
Gender : Female
Character Name : President of the tribunal
Original Name : Camille Guérini
Gender : Male
Character Name : Tax collector
Original Name : Charles Lavialle
Gender : Male
Character Name : Daughter of Gregory and Genevieve
Original Name : Paloma Matta
Gender : Female
Character Name : Henri Souchon, boss of the brewery
Original Name : Raymond Meunier
Gender : Male
Character Name : Mrs. Souchon, boss of the brasserie
Original Name : Catherine Le Couey
Gender : Female
Character Name : Investigating judge
Original Name : Jacques Monod
Gender : Male
Character Name : Albert Testut, witness at the hearing
Original Name : Jean-Pierre Moutier
Gender : Male
Character Name : Police commissioner
Original Name : Albert Rémy
Gender : Male
Character Name : Laurent Duval, son of Grégoire and Geneviève
Original Name : René Tramoni
Gender : Male
Character Name : Philibert, pharmacy employee
Original Name : Jean Sylvère
Gender : Male
Character Name : Cabaret dancer
Original Name : Barbara Brand
Gender : Female
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