
Napoleon in the Middle East

- Feature - Informative Film emerges in some traditions and life properties of Arabs, and establishes Multi-Directional Cultural Dialog.

This Film opens a window on the Napoleon Bonaparte Campaign towards Egypt and Syria in the year 1798, and impact affected the relationship between East & West. The film while discovers some of the personal configuration of such an outstanding figure, it emerges in some traditions and life properties. Yet the film establishes Multi-Directional Cultural Dialog.

Release Date :

Language :

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company :

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Alternative Titles :


Laith Mufti

Character Name : Napoleon Bonaparte

Original Name : Laith Mufti

Gender : Male

Abdulhakim Qutaifan

Character Name : General Jean Baptiste Kléber

Original Name : Abdulhakim Qutaifan

Gender : Male

Wasim Ghanem

Character Name : General Jacques-François Menou

Original Name : Wasim Ghanem

Gender : Male

Muhammad Tarabishi

Character Name : Murad Bey

Original Name : Muhammad Tarabishi

Gender : Male

Oja Abu Zahab

Character Name : Michel

Original Name : Oja Abu Zahab

Gender : Male

Abdulrahman Abu Alqasim

Character Name : Adel

Original Name : Abdulrahman Abu Alqasim

Gender : Male


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