

- You're in for a hell of a ride.

After a night of wild partying and missing their train, the group of students is invited to board another which happens to be heading their way. Once on board, members of the team begin to go missing, and their would-be saviors claim to have no idea what could have happened to them... When they discover the truth, it is too late to escape and they must fight for their lives against their captors to put an end to their ride to hell.

Release Date : 2008-10-16

Language :English

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Nu ImageMillennium Media

Production Country : United States of America

Alternative Titles : Terror Train


Thora Birch

Character Name : Alex

Original Name : Thora Birch

Gender : Female

Gideon Emery

Character Name : Willey

Original Name : Gideon Emery

Gender : Male

Gloria Votsis

Character Name : Claire

Original Name : Gloria Votsis

Gender : Female

Derek Magyar

Character Name : Todd

Original Name : Derek Magyar

Gender : Male

Todd Jensen

Character Name : Coach Harris

Original Name : Todd Jensen

Gender : Male

Mike Straub

Character Name :

Original Name : Mike Straub

Gender : Male

Matthew Tibbs

Character Name : Backpacker

Original Name : Matthew Tibbs

Gender : Male

Ivan Barnev

Character Name : Gregor

Original Name : Ivan Barnev

Gender : Male

Kavan Reece

Character Name : Sheldon

Original Name : Kavan Reece

Gender : Male

Koyna Ruseva

Character Name : Dr. Velislava

Original Name : Koyna Ruseva

Gender : Male

Lina Zlateva

Character Name : Brunette

Original Name : Lina Zlateva

Gender : Female

Miroslav Emilov

Character Name : Ishtav

Original Name : Miroslav Emilov

Gender : Male

Nikolay Mutafchiev

Character Name : Vasily

Original Name : Nikolay Mutafchiev

Gender : Male

Valentin Ganev

Character Name : Conductor Vasyl

Original Name : Valentin Ganev

Gender : Male

Vladimir Vladimirov

Character Name : Vlad

Original Name : Vladimir Vladimirov

Gender : Male






**_The real “Horror Express”_** In Eastern Europe, members of a USA college wrestling team board a dubious train to Odessa, Ukraine. Unfortunately some of the staff has something in mind other than a train ride. Thora Birch and Gideon Emery stand out in the cast. “Train” (2008) combines “Hostel” (2005) or “Borderland” (2007) with “Transiberian” (2008) plus the Frankenstein-ian element of “Turistas” (2006) and “The X-Files: I Want to Believe” (2008). It’s basically “Transiberian” with the so-called ‘torture porn’ angle (‘torture porn’ being slasher/splatter flicks taken to the next level of extreme). Movies always amp-up reality to entertain or shock and "Train" takes advantage of the fear of being a foreigner in an Eastern Europe country, like Russia or Ukraine, and falling prey to sinister people named Boris, Ivan or Natasha. This should no more be offensive to people from Eastern Europe than "Deliverance" (1972) is offensive to people of the Deep South. To be expected in this type of movie, there are some unpleasant and even nasty elements, but that's intrinsic to the horror genre, and particularly this sub-genre: True horror flicks are supposed to horrify the viewer. Beyond that, this is basically a real-life adventure story that turns increasingly terrifying. On that basis, "Train" delivers the goods. The film runs 1 hour, 34 minutes, and was shot in Sofia, Bulgaria. GRADE: B