Alaska Johansson
Alaska Johansson is the perfect woman and she is the best in her profession as a headhunter. One day she is fired by her boss, a married man who she has an affair with. He also tells her that their relationship has no future. She decides that her best option is to commit suicide with a poison cocktail. She is saved when a child in a Halloween costume enters her apartment demanding sweets. Something is not right about the child. Later her neighbor is going to tell here that there never was a child. Alaska’s world is turning upside down, her perceptions seem to be merely illusions. When her car starts to act on its own and causes a crash, she becomes convinced that someone is conspiring against her. Or is there another, darker secret in Alaska’s life?
Release Date : 2013-10-16
Language :German
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : HR
Production Country : Germany
Alternative Titles :
Character Name : Alaska Johansson
Original Name : Alina Levshin
Gender : Female
Character Name : Nachbar
Original Name : Stipe Erceg
Gender : Male
Character Name : Notarzt
Original Name : Sebastian Schipper
Gender : Male
Character Name : E. L. Johansson
Original Name : Alexander Held
Gender : Male
Character Name : Ednar Johansson
Original Name : Sibylle Canonica
Gender : Female
Character Name : Dicker Polizist
Original Name : Fritz Roth
Gender : Male
Character Name : Beamter in Zivil
Original Name : Luc Feit
Gender : Male
Character Name : Kleines Ungeheuer
Original Name : Annika Becker
Gender : Female
Character Name : Kleines Ungeheuer
Original Name : Marie Becker
Gender : Female
Character Name : Oskar Brandt
Original Name : Stephan Bissmeier
Gender : Male
Character Name : Freundin des Notarztes
Original Name : Inez Bjørg David
Gender : Female
Character Name : Techniker
Original Name : Michael Benthin
Gender : Male
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