
The Fjällbacka Murders: The Sea Gives, the Sea Takes


When Erica finds Fjällbacka's photographer Stigge murdered in his studio, she can't help but take interest in the investigation regarding his death. Patrik and his colleagues at the Fjällbacka police soon starts to question whether or not Stigge was the sweet old man he seemed to be. Erica is already ahead of them - since her mother-in-law Kristina has confided in her that she is one among many in the neighborhood that Stigge blackmailed... In "The sea gives, the sea takes" we go back to the 1960s to tell the story of how true love corrupted young Stigge and made him cover up a murder with the purpose to win the love of his life.

Release Date : 2013-10-23

Language :Swedish

Adult : false

Status : Released

Production Company : Tre Vänner

Production Country : Sweden

Alternative Titles :


Claudia Galli Concha

Character Name : Erica Falck

Original Name : Claudia Galli Concha

Gender : Female

Richard Ulfsäter

Character Name : Patrick Hedström

Original Name : Richard Ulfsäter

Gender : Male

Eva Fritjofson

Character Name : Kristina

Original Name : Eva Fritjofson

Gender : Female

Pamela Cortes Bruna

Character Name : Paula

Original Name : Pamela Cortes Bruna

Gender : Female

Lennart Jähkel

Character Name : Mellberg

Original Name : Lennart Jähkel

Gender : Male

Ann Westin

Character Name : Annika

Original Name : Ann Westin

Gender : Female

Simon Brodén

Character Name : Anton

Original Name : Simon Brodén

Gender : Male

Lukas Brodén

Character Name : Noel

Original Name : Lukas Brodén

Gender : Male


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