Devils, Angels & Dating
- Devil wants Cupid's job, but a battle for Death's affections has cosmic ramifications below the Heavens.
Cupid, Devil and a rather sexy young judge, jury and executioner in the form of Death gather in the After Life War Room, just past Heaven's Gates, to attend to their daily routine of manipulating our lives down on Earth with modern techniques that would put our internet dating generation to shame. Each of them, reluctantly compelled to play out their role in the game of love and life in order to maintain the balance. There's an unspoken attraction in the room and their true contradictory personalities are gradually revealed to each other, when someone gets a bright idea and re-purposes their high tech weapons to turn the tide of war and flip everything on it's head. This is a love triangle with cosmic repercussions!
Release Date : 2012-01-01
Language :English
Adult : false
Status : Released
Production Company : HEROmation
Production Country : United States of America
Alternative Titles : Devils, Angels and DatingDevils Angels and Dating
Character Name : Devil
Original Name : Justin Barrett
Gender : Male
Character Name : Baby Cupid
Original Name : Adrian Casati
Gender : Male
Character Name : Death
Original Name : Tess Snider
Gender : Male
Character Name : Shadow Devil
Original Name : Vance Swope
Gender : Male
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